The PAW Center programs offer services in 4 core areas:
1. Advocacy & Outreach
2. Continuing Education
3. Life Skills & Supports
4. Sports, Recreation & Leisure
We focus on:
Advocacy, Lifelong, Independence, and Necessary Knowledge (ALINK)
Touch the Future offers comprehensive assessment, consulting, life planning and training services for individuals with disabilities, qualified Veterans, seniors, caregivers, educators, employers, health professionals, municipalities, organizations and businesses. We are partners with the Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies and Portlight Disaster Strategies to ensure access and inclusion of individuals with disabilities and seniors before, during and after disasters. We are here to assist you with specific and organizational needs. In addition, we want to ensure full participation of all individuals and offer sports, recreation and leisure opportunities through our Paralympic Sports Club events, Walk2Walk events, and other collaborations.
Our most recent initiatives stimulated to meet urgent needs during the Covid-19 pandemic and upcoming disaster season, in partnership with many disability organizations and the American Occupational Therapy Association, are the TAP (Therapist Action Plan) and TAP Partners. TAP’s overarching initiative is accessible and inclusive disaster planning, management and response with the goal to mobilize therapy professionals and students to meet the local needs of individuals with disabilities and seniors across the country. TAP CPR (Therapist Action Plan for Care Partner Relief) is a specific effort under TAP to meet the personal care assistant/direct support assistant shortage as the result of social distancing during Covid-19.
TAP (Therapist Action Plan)
TAP Co-Coordinators